Need a Goose Creek DUI Attorney

Problems with a DUI conviction in Goose Creek?
South Carolina DUI laws allow police wide latitude in DUI investigations. While it seems simple enough to pay the fine and accept the consequences, don’t forget that a DUI conviction has severe implications on your license, insurance rates, wallet, and possibly your freedom. Therefore it’s important to retain a competent DUI Goose Creek Attorney to help you with your arrest and attempt to avoid a conviction.
DUI is an offense that can affect everyone. There is no socio-economic class that is excluded. Many times business people and hardworking folks just out to have a good time can be arrested and face a jail or prison sentence for nothing more than a few beers. Paying the fine will not make a DUI arrest go away. While no DUI attorney in GooseCreek should promise an outcome, I can promise that I will do everything possible to provide you with the best representation possible for your DUI arrest.
Who can I talk to about my DUI arrest in Goose Creek?
GooseCreek DUI Attorney, Russell Hilton can help you with that. There will be NO CHARGE for a consultation to review your case. You won’t be doing yourself any favors by defending a DUI arrest alone. You need to act fast in that there are certain rights that affect your license that you need to protect in order to attempt to maintain your ability to drive legally. Don’t sacrifice your driving privileges without ensuring that law enforcement has done everything required of them in your DUI prosecution. A experienced defense lawyer familiar with the Goose Creek area can help you out tremendously.
Contact Russell Hilton, a DUI Attorney in Goose Creek, for help with your DUI arrest.